Vila Monix Club

A perfect combination of tradition and quality

Vila Monix Club

A perfect combination of tradition and quality

Vila Monix Club

A perfect combination of tradition and quality

Vila Monix Club

Vila Monix Club is situated at the Zlatibor Mountain at the outskirts of Obudojevica community. It’s 700 m away from the town center and 300 m away from a ski track. The villa has 45 beds in comfortable rooms and luxury apartments with a view to the lovely Čigota and Tornik peaks of the Zlatibor Mountain. The Villa Monix Club has reception with a safe, parking space and restaurant. Free WiFi Access is available anywhere in the building. Full board meals and traditional dishes of the Zlatibor region from lavish a la carte menu are offered to both the villa’s guests and the outside visitors. The restaurant capacity (with a patio) is 80 seats. Many other conveniences are available to guests of Villa Monix Club, such as spa & wellness center with a café in the nearby Monix Palace within the Monix Hotel Complex.

Zlatibor special offers

Choose and book the offer that suits you best and take advantage of all the benefits we offer you in our complex.

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